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10 projects in Pingtan listed among provincial key projects

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2021-09-23

Among 79 priority projects in fields of culture and tourism during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) announced by the People’s Government of Fujian Province are 10 projects from Pingtan.

The 10 projects are planned for an aggregated investment of 13.238 billion yuan, and 10.238 billion yuan is slated to be completed by 2025. They include an archaeological museum, a grand theater, and several tourism complexes.

Estimated at 10 billion yuan, Pingtan Happy South Island project initiated by the state-owned Overseas Chinese Town(OCT) Group is the largest investment of the lot. It was reported the project is a large-scale all-in-one cultural and tourism complex covering coastal tourism, scientific technology, creativity, ecological sustainability, and cultural dynamics, etc. Bringing superior location and abundant resources to good use, a 600 million yuan luxury resort on Xiaoxiang Islet is materializing on the other hand.  

As the 5th largest island in China, Pingtan was named the nation's 2nd international tourism island in 2016 after the southernmost province, Hainan.

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Editor in Charge:Lin Kongbo
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