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Imported agricultural and fishery products from Taiwan spikes in Pingtan

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2021-11-02


A truck pictured pulling out of "Taipei Express", a container ship shuttling regularly between Pingtan and Taiwan

"Our import volume was 18 million U.S. dollars in 2019, but now, it has reached 60 million." Chen Yi, business manager of Pingtan Taizhongbao Trading Co, introduced in an interview on Oct. 26 that their company was registered in 2015 in Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, the closest place on the Chinese mainland to the island of Taiwan , mainly engaged in trading of aquatic products. Thanks to the facilitated waterway transportation between Pingtan and Taiwan, the company’s business keeps booming.

Taiwan’s aquatic products are shipped to Pingtan port via the channel. After nucleic acid testing and customs clearance, they are dispatched to cold chain markets for sale across the mainland the following afternoon. “It’s the efficient delivery that helped us gain more partners,” said Chen Yi.

Cargo liner route between Kaohsiung and Pingtan was launched in January 2019, becoming a new channel for Taiwan’s agricultural and fishery products to enter the mainland. Pingtan has achieved full coverage of cargo routes to Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, with freighters available every week.

Data show that from January to September 2021, Pingtan imported 74,94 thousand tons of agricultural and fishery products from Taiwan, an increase of 88.72% year-on-year, and the value came to more than 856.3 million yuan, an increase of 106.64%. Besides, the cross-Straits channel also carries marine express and cross-border e-commerce commodities.

“We airlift cosmetics from South Korea and Japan to Taipei, then ship them to Pingtan.” The air-sea combined transport becomes routine at Pingtan Port. “The logistics channel plays a greater role during the Covid-19 period and allows our company’s business to continue uninterrupted.

Pingtan has upgraded from the birthplace of small trade with Taiwan to the first stop for Taiwan goods entering the mainland.

Recently, Pingtan’s municipal government announced that efforts should be made to increase the direct shipping routes between Pingtan and Taiwan and create a hub for importing agricultural and fishery products, daily necessities, electronic products, and cosmetics from Taiwan.

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Editor in Charge:Lin Kongbo
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