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Pingtan’s film festival calls for new submissions

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2022-04-24 | Lin Kongbo, Stephanie

On April 20, the 3rd In Moments Film Festival (IMFF) released a call for films, lasting until June 15.

The IMFF publicly calls for short drama and non-drama films (duration from 15 minutes to 40 minutes each) created by students from universities worldwide after January 1, 2020. The festival jury conducts preliminary screening, review, and nomination of the entries, and selects 50 finalists. The final jury will conduct a final review and vote on the final awards during the festival.

As the short film festival with the highest bonuses in the world, IMFF has been held in Pingtan, Fujian province for two years, attracting 2,672 entries from over 300 universities worldwide.

A mix of clips from awarded films from 2020 to 2021

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Editor in Charge:Lin Kongbo
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