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Pingtan's Cross-border Warehouse No.1 “flexes muscles” with great prices

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2022-04-28 | Wang Xuyan Stephanie

Pingtan sees some action at its cross-border e-commerce warehouse as it enters a month into operation. Imported goods in Pingtan have won over local consumers with great prices and prompt delivery.

Before the imported goods get distributed down the logistic chain, they would go through a strict order of sampling, packaging, etc. Currently, there are close to 70 products on sale at the warehouse’s online store on Taobao.

Gao Bingning, Assistant Manager of Operation Center of Fujian Cross-border E-commerce Co., Ltd., remarked that more than 400 cooperative merchants and multiple species of beauty products like facial masks, perfumes, lotions, eye shadows are all great bargains. “We offered services for them to expand sales channels and optimize the flow of goods in addition to warehouse assistance,” Bingning Gao said.

Additional sales channels have also opened up to more consumers, to meet the need of merchants, from which the goods are all authentic guarantee for customers by source from brand owners or authorized factories.

"In the past, people here go online for their favorite foreign brands despite the long waiting time. But now, they can go directly to our online store on Taobao to pick up the products they want. Plus, the delivery is fast," Gao Bingning said.

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Editor in Charge:Wang Xuyan
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