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IM2022 Film Fest enters third year in Pingtan

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2022-07-05 | Wang Xuyan, Stephanie

IM Film Festival enters its third year on Pingtan Island. Hand in hand, IM Film Fest and the rising new player in China's film industry march ahead, fostering a "young, open, and professional" environment for inspiration and new ideas for young filmmakers and film schools.


Submissions poured in from universities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas. So far, there are 1,849 accumulated submissions. Post-00s filmmakers accounted for 73% of the total submission, while post-90s took up 22%. The dynamic state-of-the-art expression conveys the creators' message in a rich theatrical presentation.


Pingtan was the starting point of the IM Film Festival. Since its inception, the festival has been carrying the distinctive island culture with the waves of transformation. The film festival has imbued vitality into young people while new creators are coming up. Like the theme of the festival: The Wind is Strong. So what? Cross-Straits youth has triumphed against the force of nature with the "wind of imagination."


IM cross-Straits Youth Film Festival is a platform of possibilities for new blood and new films.

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Editor in Charge:Wang Xuyan
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