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Pingtan makes the list of popular island destinations

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2022-10-17 | Lin Kongbo, Stephanie

After the recently concluded National Day holiday, many domestic tourism platforms released tourism data over the holiday. According to data from Mafengwo, an online Chinese travel agency and social-networking platform, Pingtan made it on to the chart of “popular island destinations.” Pingtan is a rising international tourism island off E China’s Fujian province.

The data from Tujia, a property rental platform and homestay operator in China, revealed that Pingtan ranked among the top ten homestay destinations.

In recent years, Pingtan has met the diverse needs of tourists by improving facilities. Pingtan received close to 600,000 tourists and raked in 341.59 million yuan over the National Day holiday.

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Editor in Charge:Lin Kongbo
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