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Pingtan achieves perfect air quality compliance rate

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2024-06-14 | Lin Kongbo, Stephanie

Pingtan, an island city off E China's Fujian Province, has reported remarkable air quality. From January to May 2024, the environmental air quality compliance rate in Pingtan reached an impeccable 100%, according to a recent report by the Resource and Ecology Bureau of Pingtan.

The data reveals that during these months, the comprehensive air quality index of the region stood at 2.15, outperforming all nine major cities in the province. Notably, the annual average concentrations of six major air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide, inhalable particulate matter, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide, all complied with national standards.

"The air quality this year is even better than last year, which is related to the climate. Especially the continuous rainfall from April to May significantly reduced the concentration of particulate matter, fine particulate matter, and ozone, effectively purifying the air," said Zheng Xide, head of the Atmospheric Environment Office of the Resource and Ecology Bureau.

The region boasts a staggering compliance rate that has surpassed the provincial average for nine consecutive years.

Editor in Charge:Lin Kongbo
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