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The 2024 Pingtan-Taiwan night talks promote cross-Straits unity

en.ptnet.cn | Updated:2024-07-15 | Lin Kongbo, Stephanie

On the evening of July 10, 2024, the scenic Zisha Bay of Pingtan hosted the 2024 Pingtan-Taiwan Night Talks, an event dedicated to promoting cross-Straits communication and integration. Attracting over a hundred participants from various sectors across the Taiwan Straits, the gathering was attended by Fu Qiang, director of the Political Party Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office, and Lai Jun, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone. Standing as the mainland's closest location to the island of Taiwan, Pingtan shines as the sole area for pioneering cross-Straits integration.

Lai Jun emphasized the pilot zone's steadfast commitment to cross-Straits integration, highlighting ongoing efforts to establish a shared market and homeland for both sides. "We are seizing critical opportunities to build a common market and home, ensuring better living and development conditions for Taiwan compatriots," Lai remarked. He called upon youth from both sides to amplify exchanges, delve deep into the mainland's dynamic development, and fortify mutual understanding and bonds of friendship.

Jiang Genhuang, chairman of the New Taipei City Council, echoed these sentiments, stressing that peace, development, exchanges, and cooperation are the mainstream public opinion within Taiwan and the objective of Pingtan's efforts to build a cross-Straits common homeland. "Pingtan, as the closest point on the mainland to the island of Taiwan, has become a hub for cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation," Jiang noted.

The event featured vibrant cultural performances, creating a lively atmosphere where young people from both sides deepened their understanding and shared a vision of closer cross-Straits ties. Keelung City Councilor Yu Sanfa and first-time visitor to Pingtan, Taiwan youth Lv Shaowei, praised the event, expressing admiration for Pingtan's progress and development.

Editor in Charge:Lin Kongbo
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